Twenty previously unreleased photos with the MotoLady built custom Ducati Monster by the incredibly talented photographer Jimmy Ban!
THEMOTOLADY.COM in 2012: just shy of 300,000 visits from 180 of 193 countries.
In just 13 days the MotoLady website will be celebrating it’s two year anniversary! It’s been quite the journey, and this year has been an exciting one. The Monster Project is taking form (I’ve got the bruises to go with it), I rode on the Bonneville Salt Flats, the End of the World Ride was a success, I was interviewed by Pipeburn, my photography for MotoCorsa made it to news sites around the world, and most of all… I learned a lot about motorcycling, motorcyclists, and the industry. Thank you all.
Here are the ten most popular posts of 2012.
Top 10 Articles / Write Ups of 2012
1. Faster Faster Hunster S. Thompson Tattoo
Matthew Mattison at the Little Tattoo Shoppe graced my arm with his tattoo gun to lay down these moving words (pun intended) onto my arm for eternity. (Original post)
2. T-Mobile Commercial with the Pink Ducati 848 Evo
T-Mobile released it’s first commercial with model Carly Foulkes riding a pink Ducati 848 Evo. After posting the video and a photo (above), I got quite a few messages asking me what motorcycle was in the clip. I know, it’s hard to tell when editors cover up the beautiful Ducati exhaust bass tones with i4 sounds… (Original post)
3. Monster Project: Tire Explosion
Ah yes, it was not too long ago. My tire exploded while I was mounting it. Why do you guys love so much when I hurt myself?! (Original post)
4. The One Motorcycle Show 2012
The third consecutive year of this awesome motorcycle show- the One Show brought some 900 people over the course of a couple days into a SE Portland Gallery. (Original post)
5. Brittany Morrow’s Road Rash 7th Anniversary Safety PSA
Brittany is not only a bad ass motolady, but she’s a survivor. She uses her experience to educate motorcyclists everywhere. ATGATT! (Original post)
6. Icon 1000 Federal Jacket Gear Review
I loved the Federal jacket, and apparently you guys loved hearing about it. (Original post)
Again, apparently you guys love when I do stupid things and/or hurt myself. (Original post)
8. New Rider Tips: Your First Motorcycle
Sometimes when you guys send me questions I find it best to get the opinions of a few other riders as well. Not only does this make me less biased, but hey… I don’t know everything. (Original post)
9. Monster Project: Cush Drive Removal Attempt One
This was one of the most frustrating parts of the entire Monster Project. (Original post)
10. Get to Know your MotoLadies: Leah Petersen
This motolady is gorgeous, talented, and can ride circle wheelies around you one handed… true story. (Original post)
Top 10 Photos of 2012
From top, left to right-
1. Kylie (seDUCATIve), 2. Pomeranian in Pack, 3. MotoLady Salt Flats RC-51 Hair Flip, 4. Monster Project Rebuild Mockup. 5. Keep Calm & Twist the Throttle, 6. Mitch Sander’s Custom 1966 Triumph Bonneville, 7. Tire Warmer MotoLady, 8. “Home is wherever you park your motorcycle.”, 9. Duhawki, 10. If it has wheels or a skirt…
Thank you all again for a wonderful year.
Happy New Years to you and yours! Now get with the vroom vroom!
Posted on December 31, 2012 in Blog by Alicia Mariah Elfving