“Because ladies were born to ride, and motorcycles were made for riding.”
mo∙to∙la∙dy ・ mōtōlādē (noun):
A woman who loves motorcycles and has a passion for riding.
Objective & Whatnot
MotoLady was created by Alicia Mariah Elfving as a way to encourage current and aspiring women riders and replace the bad reputation the sport / hobby has racked up over the years with a positive sense of community. MotoLady is a website built for men and women motorcyclists alike. Those who appreciate women riders can find a massive amount of media here for daily distraction, education, and inspiration. Real women who ride, motorcycles in art, design and marketing, motorcycle fashion, gear reviews, industry news, one of a kind articles and features, and submissions are a few of the things covered. Alicia uses her own photography, video, and design alongside the content of global talents to give a rounded reflection of the motorcycle industry and culture around the world.
The website started in January of 2011- after collecting tons of photographs of women riding motorcycles, cool custom bikes, motorcycle fashion photography and the like, Alicia needed a place to keep all of the content… a place to share it with anyone interested. Having a background in marketing, she developed the MotoLady name and brand idea in the late weeks of December, 2010. Utilizing the tumblr platform was a great way to get the word out- with tagging and interacting, the site’s audience started to grow. After a long 3 1/2 years, MotoLady was finally moved off the Tumblr platform to a more robust system that allows for the eCommerce store, better searching, bigger photos, and better archives.
Marketing with MotoLady
If you’d like to work with Alicia to help get the word out about your event, build, road trip, whatever… there are a veritable cornucopia of ways to do so. With over 100,000 followers on Facebook, and significant audiences on Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube- it’s easy to get the word out. Alicia is always looking to work with like minded motorcycle companies that want to do cool things for the world of motorcyclists by building community and empowering riders of all types. You can get in touch through the contact page.
For over eight years the website has existed to catalog the endeavors of Alicia’s trials and tribulations in the world of motorcycles, but also to highlight truly awesome riders, builders, products, motorcycle touring destinations and more. Alicia has chosen specific people to work with over the years (check the Affiliates & Partners page for more info) who share her vision for bettering motorcycle communities, not simply selling ad space to the highest bidder. In fact, there were zero ads on the MotoLady website until August of 2014, but a girl’s gotta eat. There are other ways MotoLady collaborates with other organizations including event planning and promo, gear and product reviews, even destination ride reviews.
- Naked liter bike shootout, Motorcyclist Magazine
- Femmewalla trackday, Ducati 748
- Motorcyclist Magazine Ducati Scrambler 800
- Motorcyclist Magazine Ducati Scrambler 800
- Scraping pegs on the Honda Ascot, Palomar Mountain, California
- Dustin' on the SR400 at Babes Ride Out
- Photo by Jimmy Ban
- Motorcyclist Magazine Ducati Scrambler 800
- Indian Motorcycles IMC Venice California
- Motorcyclist Magazine Ducati Scrambler 800
- Photo by Jimmy Ban
- Photo by Jimmy Ban
- Photo from Kahn Media
- Photo by Jose Gallina
- Alicia and Pandora, photo by Shaik Ridzwan of the Mighty Motor
- Alicia and Pandora, photo by Shaik Ridzwan of the Mighty Motor
- Alicia & Pandora (the Monster Project)
- Photo by Lanakila MacNaughton
- Photo by Lanakila MacNaughton
- Photo by Lanakila MacNaughton
- Alicia on the Triumph Thruxton, photo by Giles Clement
- Honda RC51, Photo by Phil Hawkins
- Honda RC51, Photo by Phil Hawkins
- Alicia working on the Dual Sporty Project
- Robert on his Honda and Alicia on the TDM850
- When working at MotoCorsa, modeling gear
- Alicia on the Monster
- Alicia behind the scenes at the Icon1000 shoot
- Alicia of MotoLady with Chris Ulrich, AMA Pro Racer
- Peace out! | CaliPhotography
- CaliPhotography
- The MotoLady Ducati Monster maiden ressurection voyage
- Sofi Tsingos & Alicia Elfving | Photo by Brandon LaJoie
- Photo by Todd Williams for Indian Motorcycles
- Alicia of MotoLady & Sofi Tsingos of GT Moto
- Alicia with Roland Sands at MotoCorsa