Gary Baker from Georgia has a really cute little moto-romance story:
He was unhappy with his stock 1979 Triumph Bonneville Special, so he decided to go custom. He and Diane, his girlfriend at the time, stripped the bike down to the frame and removed all the extra crap. They were having problems- it was only running on one cylinder. Diane sat and stared at the wiring diagram and said “how do you have the coils hooked up?” A few wire swaps later, the Bonnie was alive and well.
Gary and Diane have now been married 23 years. Photo circa 1986.
We boot-scooted, we boogied, we hosted a worldwide reveal, we tore it up on e-bikes, we had makers workshops, we gave away a bunch of amazing gear and gizmos… you know… normal Women’s Moto Show goodness! Three whole days of awesome entertainment surrounded by a bunch of the coolest motorcycling women I know.
Tags: 1970s, 1979, 1980s, 1986, 70s, 79, 80s, 86, bonneville, diane baker, gary baker, moto, motolady, motorcycle, motoromance, real, romance, triumph, triumph bonneville
Posted on February 15, 2012 in MotoLadies, News & Features by Alicia Mariah Elfving