Today is the nine year anniversary of my best friend Chris Herrin’s motorcycle accident. It was a doozy to say the least… We celebrated by riding around Sauvie Island and kicked back on the beach.
My photography on display alongside the Saint Motor Company motorcycle/work of art “TESLA” opening night at the “2” art show at Gallery 788 in Baltimore, MD.
The Portland Alley Sweeper was kick ass… the poor borrowed XS400 suffered one close call, two low sides, a bunch of mud, broken blinker, bent headlight bucket, broken GoPro mount… and I got a sweet bruise.
It’s every journalist’s (or wannabe journalist, if you rather) dream to get to travel and photograph their favorite things… in this case, the lovely Sasha of CafeRacerXXX sent me on a mission to photograph “Tesla”, a Triumph build by my friend Jeff Yarrington of Saint Motor Company in Maryland.