How cool is this?! Roxxi O’Hara sporting the ladies Ducati Difference t-shirt I designed for MotoCorsa. 🙂
Roxxi said-
I can’t tell you how many times people asked about that shirt in India. It arrived the day before I left and I was so stoked to have it. That photo is taken after my 23 hour flight at 12:30 AM. My lil bro was so excited he couldn’t wait till the next day to go riding so we had Delhi roads to ourselves at Midnight! Have I told you I love my shirt? Thank you!
I’m so excited to announce the project that I’ve been working on for two years… a book all about badass motorcycling women! In the MotoLady’s Book of Women Who Ride you’ll meet 74 of the most influencial motorcyclists of the last century. Motorcycle heroes, trailblazers, and record-breakers like Jessi Combs, Shayna Texter, Laia Sanz, Gloria Tramontin-Struck, the Van Buren sisters, and more can be found inside the 184 pages of this hard cover book celebrating motorcycling women!
Tags: bad ass, blog, design, motocorsa, motolady, motorcycle, motorcycles, real, roxxi ohara, tshirt, woman
Posted on December 18, 2012 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving