MotoLadies unite! Hannah Johnson, me, and Janell Mattson outside MotoCorsa. We’re holding the book “Chicks on Bikes” by Christina Shook.
If you follow my instagram and/or facebook you saw the posts today and yesterday about Emma’s stolen Triumph.
Many of you wanted to know what happened and how she got it back- at the time of the update I didn’t know. But most recently Emma posted this:
SHE’S BAAAACK! Hearing (from a source that I can’t seem to track down) that the fucker apparently saw the instagram/internet call to action, panicked and ditched it near the impound lot. He definitely dropped her, the bars are pretty much ruined and there’s dried gas all over the tank. Had to pay over $400 in impound release fees and lapsed registration (haven’t been riding as much due to neck problems and being too busy). Sucks that I had to go broke to get my own stolen property back after it was only gone for 24 hours but she’s mine again! If I live a thousand years, I will never be able to thank everyone for all of their help. 99.9% of you have never even met me but you all still took a second out of your day to help me out. I am unspeakably, unendingly grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now let’s ride!
Another thanks to everyone who shared- this is exactly why the motorcycle community continues to amaze me in the best ways. ♥
[ more photos of Emma ]
Posted on December 5, 2013 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving