Francisco “Baby” Pignatari riding a giant cruiser motorcycle circa 1958 (Harley? I’m not familiar enough with these to quote the make and model). Baby was a successful Brazilian Industrialist who married Princess Ira von Fürstenberg (actress, designer) in Reno, Nevada in 1961.
I’m so excited to announce the project that I’ve been working on for two years… a book all about badass motorcycling women! In the MotoLady’s Book of Women Who Ride you’ll meet 74 of the most influencial motorcyclists of the last century. Motorcycle heroes, trailblazers, and record-breakers like Jessi Combs, Shayna Texter, Laia Sanz, Gloria Tramontin-Struck, the Van Buren sisters, and more can be found inside the 184 pages of this hard cover book celebrating motorcycling women!
Tags: 1950s, 1958, 50s, 58, baby pignatari, black and white, brazil, brazilian, francisco baby pignatari, francisco pignatari, history, ira von furstenberg, life archives, motolady, motorcycle, motorcycles, nevada
Posted on May 2, 2014 in History by Alicia Mariah Elfving