Hello from Honda HQ in Torrance, CA! The Rebel gets it’s 500 mile service, and I get a tour.
Gloria Tramontin Struck Why We Ride Star
Watching the Why We Ride documentary again tonight in the background while workin’ away at the computer… one of my favorite quotes from the whole movie, “I say in five to ten years there’ll be more women riding than men. ‘Cause they’re tougher you know.”
Gloria Tramonin Struck, 87 years young and still riding, was one of the original members of Motor Maids. The “club” was one of the first organizations that highlighted women riders and gave them a a place to meet, communicate, and ride.
Why We Ride website | MotorMaids website | more photos of Gloria Tramontin Struck
Posted on January 14, 2014 in History, MotoLadies by Alicia Mariah Elfving