MotoLadies unite! Hannah Johnson, me, and Janell Mattson outside MotoCorsa. We’re holding the book “Chicks on Bikes” by Christina Shook.
June 13th MotoCorsa Track Day with Hannah Johnson
MotoCorsa (my work) does track days all [Oregon] riding season long. Monday was an amazingly gorgeous day, and we had a special guest in town… Hannah Johnson from Ducati Miami! I had to go down and hang out with her and the MC crew at Portland International Raceway.
Above, Jarrod Weis (service tech at MotoCorsa) does some maintenance on his bike before hitting the track in A group. More photos and crap behind the cut. Chicks, bikes, track… what more could you ask for? Besides a&t, ‘cause that ain’t how I roll.
It was an absolutely gorgeous day, although still too cold for the Miami-based Hannah. She was freezing her butt off, basically. So we went on a caffeine and body-warming mission for some hot java.
Track day went well, no serious injuries and only a couple downed bikes. People had a lot of fun.
It’s also rather cramazing (crazy-amazing) how a gaggle of Ducati’s flying around a track sound. And the vibrations, oh!
Above, Quentin Wilson and Jarrod Weis under the tent. I think this is when the Chuck Norris jokes started a-flyin’.
We were all much more amused by the Norris jokes than visually noticeable above. From left- Jason Wilson, Arun Sharma, and Hannah Johnson.
The starting line. …Clouds for days!
While chatting with an attendee, my friend Brooklyn rolled up on her SV650 so I ran after her and flagged her down. Love this little blondie…
Brookie and her SV650, blue and beautiful behind the bleachers.
I spent the better part of the day kicking back in the bleachers on the top row staring at everyone else and making my friends walk REALLY far, or yell at me, to communicate.
It was rad.
And on my way home I saw this most excellent bus…
That is all.
Posted on June 15, 2011 in Events, MotoLadies by Alicia Mariah Elfving