Keep Calm and Twist the Throttle! (Oh, and when in doubt gas it.)
It’s always fun breaking stuff in and using it for awhile. The Keep Calm and Twist the Throttle 15″ tote bag has actually become my random parts, leather, and tool carrier… especially for swap meets. The vinyl sort-of inner finish makes it pretty good for cleaning out!
They’re $25 in the MotoLady shop.

Sneaky sneaky!
Ever look back at photos from trips and realize that you don’t have any with your motorcycle? Photos with people included are way more memorable, even though we love looking at our sexy machines. Amanda Zito and I made a little how-to video with tips and tricks for snapping photos of you on your bike!
Tags: blog, keep calm, motolady, motolady apparel, motorcycles, tote
Posted on May 13, 2015 in Blog, Gear & Gizmos by Alicia Mariah Elfving