Shirley Duglin Kennedy with her 2005 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Midnight Custom, author of the Savvy Guide to Motorcycles. She’s got a great view for women who ride.
Men come and go. Bikes are loyal.
Eight decades of rumbling engines, two-wheel travel, exhaust smoke, and total badassery. Gloria Tramontin Struck has been blazing trails in the world of motorcycles since 1940 as one of the original members of the Motor Maids.
Tags: 00s, 05, 1100, 1100cc, 2000s, 2005, author, midnight, moto, motolady, motorcycle, quote, quotes, real, savvy guide to motorcycles, shirley duglin kennedy, shirley kennedy, smile, v star, vstar, yamaha, yamaha v-star
Posted on November 26, 2011 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving