Seven women set out in the very first Dakar Rally 47 years ago. These French women were formidable racers in a sea of testosterone in the inaugural Paris-Dakar Rally.
A couple weekends ago, the very next morning after I moved out of San Diego, we woke up at the buttcrack of dawn (seriously, we hit the road at 3am) for Mooneyes 2014 at the Irwindale Speedway. Arriving at about 5am, the event said sold out and we had hours before sunrise.
Tons of vehicles trickled in over the course of the day… with some really exceptional motorcycles peppered throughout. The only running 1912 Pierce Arrow motorbike in the world, an amazing engraved Trike, modified for a veteran missing a leg… the list goes on.
This is Michael and his beautiful custom trike. Note his super rad bionic leg.
The whole bike had amazing engraving in the metal finishes…
…even the forks…
..and pretty much every other surface.
Speaking of amazing detail, mindblowingly awesome leather worker Duane Ballard was there with his digger (a KZ1000 base bike).
So many awesome cars around too, some more simple and others a little on the loud side, like this survivor (the custom paint straight from the 70’s).
Rows of choppers, bobbers, brats, and more.
Some with very eye catching pipes…
…others that’ll make land-speed history.
Bikes to be raffled off, as well.
As well as many others!
A nice one from Hippy Killer Garage.
Another shot of Sinners Prayer, which I spotted at Chopperfest.
Here’s Carburetor Carl and his amazing restored 1912 Pierce Arrow motorcycle. It’s worth over a million dollars, and he rode it to the show. He said, “I’ll ride it in… and I’ll ride it out.”
One of five in the entire world, and the only one that runs.
Carb Carl owns a sort of motorcycle museum, all his personal collection.
Parking lot d’elegance (as they say at Deus).
Dig this flying MX rider drawing from BoMonster.
Fast Eddie Garage, poses for my camera.
Oh and don’t forget the awesome Mooneyes Minibikes!
The drag races were amazing to watch- gotta love a car that can wheelie.
Definitely check out the event next time it comes around if you can make it to the Southern California area!
Photographs by Alicia Mariah Elfving, copyright 2014.
Posted on May 24, 2014 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving