Leslie Hubbard Kramer on her Ducati 848 EVO at the last MotoCorsa trackday. You may remember seeing Leslie’s photo from the MotoCorsa red room where I mentioned she is 4’11”. Her bike has been lowered a couple inches, but it still has approximately a 30-31” seat height.
Eight decades of rumbling engines, two-wheel travel, exhaust smoke, and total badassery. Gloria Tramontin Struck has been blazing trails in the world of motorcycles since 1940 as one of the original members of the Motor Maids.
Tags: 848, 848 evo, bad ass, badass, blog, ducati, ducati 848 evo, height, leslie hubbard kramer, motion, motolady, motorcycle, motorcycles, moving, petite, photography, real, riding
Posted on August 12, 2012 in Blog, MotoLadies, Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving