The winner of the MotoLady 4k Facebook Giveaway is Heidi Cormier!
A motorcycling lady who actually recently had her moto pumpkin carving shared on the site– I really couldn’t be happier with the randomly generated winner!
The time has come! The third annual Women’s Motorcycle Show has been announced! Join us at Lucky Wheels Garage in LA on Sat, Jan 13th (6-10p) for one hell of a party! Bikes, food, fun, booze, an epic raffle, and more!
Tags: 4k fb giveaway, airmada, contest, give away, giveaway, heidi cormier, helmet, icon, jeff wolf, motolady, motorcycle, motorcycles, real, winner, wolf designs
Posted on November 21, 2012 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving