I love Royal Enfields. I’ve heard that they’re really fun in other countries on all kinds of back roads, for put-putting around the city here, etc. The first time I heard about these bikes was before I rode, a friend told me about a Diesel motorcycle in Portland someone had converted to bio-diesel. I was immediately in love.
Back to the classic gas consuming little retro styled motorcycles. Again, I love them. I can’t speak for their reliability, overall ability to be worked on, etc… but I’ve known quite a few people who really dig them as well. While I have overheard non-Enfield owners talking smack about how they’re “made in India, and cheap”, I have never heard a person who actually owns one say that.
I have not yet been on one but someone offered to let me ride theirs the other day, soo… I’ll go take him up on that and get back to you.
I’m so excited to announce the project that I’ve been working on for two years… a book all about badass motorcycling women! In the MotoLady’s Book of Women Who Ride you’ll meet 74 of the most influencial motorcyclists of the last century. Motorcycle heroes, trailblazers, and record-breakers like Jessi Combs, Shayna Texter, Laia Sanz, Gloria Tramontin-Struck, the Van Buren sisters, and more can be found inside the 184 pages of this hard cover book celebrating motorcycling women!
Tags: advice, ask, blog, contact, faq, motorcycle, motorcycles, opinion, retro, royal enfield, the moto lady, the motolady
Posted on April 25, 2012 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving