These people are cramazing. What did they do with their time off today? Made this amazing sign. Shark Week at Bonneville!
The time has come for the MotoLady Valentines Day contest to close… and the winners have been chosen!
Aficionados Laurie L Winslow and Rachel Rucker Truss have won MotoLady sticker decals! Their comments on the facebook post were-
Laurie –
I like being able to connect with other lady riders. After dropping my bike, I had a horrible experience with a bully which made me want to give up riding and all my friends, but you were standing up for ladies here and not allowing those kinds of posts. Your page has helped me remember why I enjoyed riding and I am getting back out there now. Still healing and thankful for your site and page. Thank you.
Rachel –
For all the female riders out there, you give us the motivation to ride and be proud that we ride. I look forward to new posts in my feed each night that continue to inspire me to explore new places with my ‘70 CB350. I’m proud to be a bike owner and that it’s vintage, too. Moto Lady gives me a place to escape to that’s outside of my small town where very few people even ride at all, especially vintage bikes. Knowing that there are other ladies out there marauding the streets on their badass bikes just increases my love for this world. Like the book, life’s better in the wind!
Last but not least, “Superfan” of the month is John Hillegas who won a Gasmask Bandana!
Posted on March 16, 2013 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving