A happy birthday love-note filled with photos and behind-the-scenes goodness from my time with the fastest woman on earth, Jessi Combs.
A human being, a person, who happened to be a really good looking lady, died in a motorcycle crash a couple days ago… and almost every comment I’m seeing either in the actual articles or in responses is bullsh*t. Talking about about how “that’s what happens when you ride like that”, “got what she deserved,” or even “stupid whore”. Her name? Olga Pronina, known as monika9422 on instagram. She was beautiful woman promoting her looks, yes, she was also a Mother.
Perhaps it’s my overall optimism that humanity, through all it’s flaws, is actually incredible… but the internet horrifies and boggles me with the reactions like this.
Motorcycles can kill you? Wow, we never knew that! Riding without full gear is more dangerous? Wow, couldn’t have found info about that anywhere! Stunting and playing around make it even more dangerous? We had absolutely no idea! (Insert eye roll here.) Every motorcyclist has received unsolicited advice or even just scare-tactic style warnings because they choose to ride.
We know, yes. Motorcycles are inherently dangerous and riding one means your chances of fatal collision are far higher than that of someone in a car. We also share the consolatory knowledge that we feel much, much more free on a bike than they ever will in their cage.
I’m reminded of the mountaineer Reinhold Messner after narrowly avoiding death while climbing Everest without oxygen in 1980. He was asked, “Why did you go up there to die?” His reply was, “I did not go up there to die. I went up there to live.” In a 2003 interview with Messner on the Guardian, he said “When you’re high on a mountain you cannot be anything but what you are.” I believe that is how many motorcyclists feel on two wheels. Whether we’re trying to get a knee down through turns or taking on an Iron Butt challenge, motorcycling leaves you stripped down to your most real self.
I am grateful to it for the sparkles in my eyes, for the warm wind blowing on my cheeks when my visor is open, for unbelievable excitement and a feeling of flowing in the air, for doses of adrenaline.
Some people want to create little social media worlds where they’re poised and perfect, because showing weakness online can create serious anxiety for people. Some people find something they do is appreciated by people around the world and it makes them feel good. While I don’t condone the lack of safety gear Olga sported in her photos and videos, and we all know I’m not into heavy on the T&A moto pics either, I have to respect her choice to live as a free human and to do whatever she wants with herself.
Is Olga really that different than a racer in full gear trying to go as fast as humanly possible for them in the name of competition and proving they’re faster than the next person? We all get our jollies from different things. Different strokes for different folks, to each their own, march to the beat of your own drum… we have a lot of different ways to remind each other of this fact.
So, I implore you, reach out across the aisle to someone who chooses a different style of riding than you. Shake their hand or give them a hug. Remember, they’re someone’s family, and they have every right to make their own choices regarding their life and body just as you do. Whether that’s riding with no gear or going ATGATT. It’s not to say you should condone unsafe behavior, that you have to agree, or even ride with them. You don’t. But you should respect their decisions, and don’t be a horrible human talking smack about someone who died.
Olga Pronina, a gorgeous 40 year old who was frequently the subject of much instagram chatter and reposts, died as a result of injury colliding with a side rail in Vladivostok, Russia on August 1st, 2017. She is survived by her 16 year old daughter.
Olga wrote about her love of riding on her (now deactivated) instagram page, “I am grateful to it for the sparkles in my eyes, for the warm wind blowing on my cheeks when my visor is open, for unbelievable excitement and a feeling of flowing in the air, for doses of adrenaline.” I think most of us know how that feels. She also said, “Thank you for gifting me freedom… and I know that I am not alone. There are thousands like me, those madly in love with their metal horses.”
Posted on August 3, 2017 in MotoLadies, News & Features by Alicia Mariah Elfving
I love this post! Could not agree more lady!
Beautifully written.. Love it.. and Rest in Peace Olga…. and God bless your daughter and family… give them strength to get thru this and have the good memories of Olga. she seemed to be a beautiful and free spirit.. can tell in her videos that riding made her happy..
i love riding motorcycles, not a day in 7 years whenever i look at my bike and wished i had something else. I love this two wheel machine horse, i’m loyal too ^^. But lately there has been immense pressure from people around me forcefully make me drive a car for everyday use. Not that i can’t drive, i just don’t need one. if i wanted a car i would get one anytime. And What if i get one i died in a car crash?
R.I.P Olga, we never intentionally wanted to end our lives but accidents happen.
Rest in peace, Ms. Propina. Every single one of us will be joining you shortly enough: untill then, you’ll be in our memory in cohort with our many friends, idols and role models whose life were spent atop these beautiful machines. You had a good one. My respects for the family and friends, with a piece: please, don’t let the haters and manerless people leave you with a bad impression of bikers as a whole. Most of us know your dear departed left this rather bleak reality doing what she liked and lit her inner flamme: she died as she lived – an honor I, in particular, wish I might attain someday.
Well said.
Very well written, I too have been shocked and saddened by the comments that some of my friends and fellow riders have made. Her daughter may read many of those. We all ride for our own reasons and have many of those in common. Her death is a loss to the community that we all share.
RIP Olga. You lived well.
Well said, Moto Lady! I don’t understand why people like to be nay-sayers, especially when it’s fellow-bikers. Because I am an enthusiastic barefooter living in a warm climate, I frequently ride barefoot (on a BMW F650GS) when I commute round town (at less than 40kph). I know that this is not a good idea, but I am a consenting adult who has made this choice. I doubt that my choice is likely to harm anyone but myself. My greatest critic is someone who claims to ride to a neighbouring village 40 km away in 15 minutes. Assuming that he’s not exaggerating, that’s an average speed of 160kph; the national speed limit is 120kph, and 60 in built-up areas.
So, who’s the crazy one? He doesn’t see the problem because he’s ATGATT. By the way, I am seriously ATGATT when I’m not commuting.
Thanks for your thoughtful and eloquent article. I only take issue with your assertion that motorcycles are “inherently dangerous”. Like flying, motorcycles require you to have your head screwed on, and can be very unforgiving if you don’t but, also like flying, there’s a reason for every accident. Your destiny is in your hands.
It’s probably only a choice of words; we’re probably really in violent agreement. Motorcycles would not be nearly so much fun or so good for the soul if they mollycoddled you and saved you from your mistakes.
Thanks for the article. We do sometimes forget that behind the videos, pics, and posts, is a person. Nevermind that she was a beautiful lady, and an awesome rider. She was a heart, mind, and soul. Like you said (and said well, indeed) she was a free spirit doing what made her happy. I know my thoughts, fears, desires, dreams… What were hers? What hopes and aspirations dominated her heart and mind?
I never met her. Yet, there is a feeling in my chest that I cannot descibe. And, if I were to allow it, tears would flow easily. We lost someone who truly knew how to live. She wasn’t one to sit on the sidelines. She got out there and fought to live what she loved, screw what everyone else thinks. And that, to me, just adds to her beauty. Rest in peace
I was riding a motorcycle with friends when we heard about Olga and had seen some things about her but I didn’t know her properly.
I remember we were all quiet when one of our friends commented about what happened.
It was strange to feel discomfort about this accident, even when about the person from another part of the world that I did not know.
But the most shocking and sad thing is to notice the amount of nonsense and malice distilled by the people who comment on this tragedy.
Today I still feel weird when I read about it.
There is anguish watching some of her videos and noticing how, for an instant, she was so happy and even “off”.
When she releases her hands from the handlebars of the motorcycle it is possible to notice a certain distraction .. somewhat confused.
When doing selfies you can see how, for a few seconds, she loses her attention of the road.
This makes me anxious!
Such a beautiful person, full of life and seemingly happy with personal achievements.
I think about how her daughter has be devastated.
Her relatives and friends….
Really Sad.
I believe in general people are caring. HOWEVER those that make comments are just low lifes without the balls to say anything to anyone in person. Anything negative I read about such a beautiful lady Id dismiss as ignorance. She dared to live life on her terms. Something that the cowards with bullshit comments will never do. RIP OLGA, wish I would have known you.
All my respects for this article about Olga Pronina. Unfortunately, this seems to be something global about the imprudence of opinions in social networks. Machismo, lack of respect, discrimination and prejudice reign on the Internet and may be truly the reflection of the world we live in, not as evolved as we think or as we would like.I read the same kind of comments about another motorcyclist girl who died a few days ago.
I have been driving motorcycles for 35 years, I am creating an online magazine and I would like to fight against those prejudices and undervaluations from there.
My name is Humberto Suárez and you can find me on Instagram like @urbanamoto.
Kind regards from Argentina.
I was friends with the girl you speak of who passed recently. I would say there was far less spewing of hate in that scenario, because she was a loved person in our local motorcycle community. But yes, it was similar. And uncalled for. We’re all motorcyclists, we’re all people.
Thank you for your comment and kind words Humberto. <3
motolady I do not agree