Mark Bjorklund of Super Rat with his Sodium Distortion Ducati S4RS salt racer. That’s the “I just broke my own record” smile.
Remember the East Side Moto Babes real Moto Ladies? And Scott Pommier, one of my favorite photographers? They are now combined in this awesome video. Vintage but modern in effects and in content.
Video featuring photographer Scott Pommier and East Side Moto Babe Stacie London. This behind-the-scenes short was commissioned to accompany an exhibition of photographs in March 2011. Shot with a Minolta XL601 in Black & White Tri-X and Velvia color Super 8. Music by Makkusu Ensemble, Paper Tulips, Jake LaBotz and Jimbo Goodall.
Posted on April 30, 2011 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving