Hello from Honda HQ in Torrance, CA! The Rebel gets it’s 500 mile service, and I get a tour.
Today I rode “The Snake”, passed the Rock Store, and experienced Los Angeles County canyons with Shaik Ridzwan from the Mighty Motor. We met at Neptune’s Net in Malibu since it’s somewhere in the middle of both of us- Santa Monica and Ventura.
The photo above was yoinked from the Mighty Motor instagram.
It was a perfect day at the beach- 75°F with a breeze.
After chatting at Neptune’s for a bit we both hit the can before heading off into the hills. This portapotty graffiti was pretty amazing.
Before leaving I snapped a shot of super clean this MotoGuzzi Eldorado 850 in the Neptune’s parking lot.
Out on the road, the first route we took was filled with super tight twisties that made me realize how little I’ve been riding technical roads lately… I’m out of practice! Pandora and I need to get intimately acquainted again. As many of you know, it’s so easy to get out of the flow of things and lose those skills you’ve built. A lot of it is muscle memory, but the fine tuning is what I’m talking about.
After a while we headed down through the Snake, which was a total ghost town in comparison to the way I’m used to seeing it in photos and videos online. I’ll admit I can see why people like to ride it, why it got so popular in the first place. It is really close to LA, the roadway is smooth (hard to come by in Southern California), and you transition through a few different lovely natural formations. The rock overhang, amazing trees that create much loved shade in the super hot canyon air and dappling of light across the curved roads, gentle sweepers with tighter cambered turns. It was definitely magical in it’s own way, and honestly made me miss riding in the Pacific Northwest.
After the canyons we dropped back down into Malibu, had some snacks, and took a couple quick photos of the Ducati pair.
Shaik’s 1980 Ducati Darmah was super awesome to see on the road, it’s a quick bike even for a classic.
Ah, sunset.
Make sure you check out Shaik’s website at theMightyMotor.com!
With that, I bid you all good evening.
Posted on July 23, 2014 in Blog, Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving