Danielle Wilde is in the middle of a beautiful trip around Australia on her BMW G650 GS.
This woman, Sash Walker (link) of ‘Road Pickle Motorcycle Bohemia’, is fearless. Through snow, ice, and dropping her bike… all to get from San Diego, California to Denver, Colorado for the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit. Damn straight she made it… determination is key! “Even though my VStar 650 was lying on its side in the snow and ice of Wolf Creek Pass in Southern Colorado, I never once thought about turning around and going home.” [ more motorcycles in hardcore weather | source & story ]
Some shots of Jeff Wolf (of Wolf Designs) working on his XS650 chopper at the shop in Ventura, CA. The amount of effort put into all the little details like frame gussets makes this a very unique bike… can’t wait to see it done! Photographs by Alicia Mariah Elfving, copyright themotolady.com 2014. [ more chopper photos | welding ]
Got this submission from two ladies who took a two-up road trip on their Maxim from PA to CA and back! Number one reason this excites me- my first bike was a 1980 Yamaha XJ 650 Maxim! Secondly, well… there’s two ladies involved. How cool is that? Lucysarah is an Apprentice painter at J&B Moto Co, and pilot of the motorbike for the trip. I figured you might love this Road Trip of a life time. Two up on my 1981 Yamaha xj650 Maxim from York, PA to Born Free in CA and back . … Continue Reading »