Today marks three weeks and two days after I crashed my Ducati Monster at a pretty decent rate of speed- and the first day I got back on a bike.
Some more photos from my photoshoot with the amazingly talented Lanakila MacNaughton for the Women’s Moto Exhibit (website). Gear breakdown for those of you curious- sporting UglyBROS USA jeans (Twiggy and Ton-Up), Icon 1000 Akorp jacket (review here), Icon Elsinore boots, and Icon Airmada stack helmet. Major thanks yet again to Tim & Isaac (owners of Trophy Motorcycles) for the bitchin’ 1970 Triumph to ride. [ more photos from Lanakila MacNaughton ]
Lanakila MacNaughton works fast! Girl already got me some preview photos from our shoot near Temecula on the 21st… oh how I love her! Check out these rad shots for the Women’s Moto Exhibit on the 1970 Triumph from Trophy Motorcycles. I’m sporting my oh-so-loved Icon 1000 Elsinore boots, Akorp and Federal jackets, and new UglyBROS riding jeans. Happy dang New Year! [ links: Women’s Moto Exhibit website | Trophy Motorcycles website ]