I received this note from a reader recently, and wanted to expand on her comments. Firstly, thank you Becca for the kind words. Super awesome to hear you wrench and ride yourself. You are definitely not alone!
Weird, sounds like the interwebs are poking your browser with a runcible spoon just to give it a hard time. Looks fab on all my devices. If you have further information on “it looking like crap” such as a screenshot or what have you, feel free to send it thru the submissions page for troubleshooting (select ‘photo’ in dropdown). Thanks!
I’m sorry, excuse me? Feminism is defined as the advocacy for women’s rights to be equal to men. I don’t believe posting content about women riding is anything but a feminist tone and hell no I’m not going to change the way I operate my website because I offended your delicate sensibilities. I was going to ask for examples but I think based on the definition most people could define my whole website as feminist. The word feminist has a bunch if negative connotations and while I understand it’s because many women… Continue Reading »
The “Every man dies, but not every man truly lives” graphic appeared to be a scan from a screenprint on cloth, probably a tshirt. Unfortunately it is one of the photos I could not find an original source for (I just reverse image searched it again and am finding my page shows the oldest instance of the image) but I don’t know where to find the original image/graphic and if it’s a poster or not. The quote was originally “Every man dies, not every man really lives” and said by William Wallace,… Continue Reading »
Hahaha. I’m sorry, I can’t help but laugh at the panic in which you asked this. Take a breath. Ducati Monsters aren’t rally or camping bikes in my minds eye, but I’m sure there are options. Firstly, without information about where your exhaust sits (high, low mount) and such, I don’t really know what to tell you! Look into getting hard case side mount saddle bags that have a bracket. This might be hard to find for older Monsters, but I’m sure you can peruse ebay and the Ducati Monster Forums for… Continue Reading »
You mean these shirts? We actually have the black t-shirt version I was wearing, along with tank tops in black and white. ….I would love to let you know directly, but you signed ‘anonymous’. We have the shirts for sale at my work, MotoCorsa. You can order them right now for $15. Find our contact info on the website or get in touch with me and I’ll make sure we get you one. But this time, leave your contact info!