Christina Moto-Robot being totally kick ass on a little Honda 50 minibike.
This woman, Sash Walker (link) of ‘Road Pickle Motorcycle Bohemia’, is fearless. Through snow, ice, and dropping her bike… all to get from San Diego, California to Denver, Colorado for the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit. Damn straight she made it… determination is key! “Even though my VStar 650 was lying on its side in the snow and ice of Wolf Creek Pass in Southern Colorado, I never once thought about turning around and going home.” [ more motorcycles in hardcore weather | source & story ]
Kerri Cameron rides the Wall of Death at The Carole Nash International Classic Motorcycle Show in Staffordshire, United Kingdom. The Wall of Death, also known by the names motordrome and silodrome, is a carnival favorite that dates back to 1911. The very first motordrome appeared at the Coney Island amusement park in New York city. [ more tagged Wall of Death | history ]