Stacie B. London riding her 1969 BMW R60US photographed by Scott Pommier.
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Ladies love their Triumphs. And rightfully so.
Vintage motoladies. Riding in heels and grinning at onlookers! (Submission from CJ Levine)
Another of the lovely Stacie B. London from East Side Moto Babes on her 1969 BMW R60US
Just takin’ a ride on a custom motorcycle, NBD.
Stacie B. London photographed by Scott Pommier. 1969 BMW R60US riding over the Hyperion Bridge for The Selvage Yard’s “Natural Born World Shakers”. Yay for real motoladies.
Vogue Italia cover. …strange magazine. But at least they know how to get me to look inside. Well played, Vogue. Well played.
Under the umbrella before taking off on the salt flats.
Another gorgeous Triton beneath a motolady. post script: John got in touch with me, now I have someone to credit! Photo by John T100.
Some Honda moto lady love with hate on the knuckles