Located in Denver, Colorado, the three women motorcyclists who make up the Tiny Daggers roam the city and surrounding areas on their bikes just for the fun of it. Making friends, beautiful photos, and enjoying each other’s company.
This woman, Sash Walker (link) of ‘Road Pickle Motorcycle Bohemia’, is fearless. Through snow, ice, and dropping her bike… all to get from San Diego, California to Denver, Colorado for the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit. Damn straight she made it… determination is key! “Even though my VStar 650 was lying on its side in the snow and ice of Wolf Creek Pass in Southern Colorado, I never once thought about turning around and going home.” [ more motorcycles in hardcore weather | source & story ]
I really enjoy giving names and credit to these famous tumblr photos that have lost their original source- this is Jordan on her Honda CB200. It’s her only mode of transportation, and when she lived in Asia she rode there too. Jordan trains in Krav Maga, Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai which is bad ass to say the least. Now that’s a motolady.