Caroline Patterson, at the Hell on Wheels takes Japan Vintage Motocross Rally, just 5,000 miles away from her home in Los Angeles, CA. BRAAP! [ more 2 stroke | motorcycling women ]
Posts Tagged ‘dirt bike’
Sammy Miller, world renowned motorcycle road racing and trials rider, kicking some ass on a crazy cliff. While camera angles can be tricky, from his body position on the bike we can clearly tell it’s a challenging/steep grade hill. Miller was born in Belfast, Ireland in 1933 and went on to win over 1300 trials races and many other road races. His victories were mostly on Ariel motorcycles, but later he became the lead developer at Bultaco on their ‘mdern’ two stoke motorcycles. [ more motorcycle history ]
A lovely example of many beautiful things about the Pacific Northwest- wr250 in it’s natural habitat during the first annual SFRC Back Forty Enduro (more info). The Sang Froid Riding Club, creators of the controversial (and might I add, awesome) “Alley Sweeper Urban Enduro” (which is an annual fun filled mud flinging event each spring in Portland) pretty consistently have cool events to keep people busy despite the dreary PNW weather that hits each winter. Why did they plan the Back Forty Enduro? “Because riding around the woods with your buddies is… Continue Reading »
While it doesn’t strike some folks’ fancy, I personally love seeing things go places they typically “shouldn’t”. Like SeeSee’s Monster goin’ for some off road adventuring. There are things that you know you shouldn’t do, I find myself time and time again gravitating towards those things. someone once said its better to regret the things you’ve done rather than the regret the things you would have done. (SeeSee Blog)