Shelina Moreda peeking out of her helmet on track for Team Brammo!
The new Capital One commercial features a motolady! If you’re wondering what strange looking and sounding motorcycle she’s riding- Brammo Empulse (electric, fairly silent motorcycle) with badly dubbed in engine sounds. Not sure what the point of that was… [ read ‘Riding the Brammo Empulse’ ] (Source: https://motolady.com/)
Brammo came by MotoCorsa to give the crew some demo rides on their electric motorcycles- namely the Brammo Empulse R. (Don’t mind the censored jacket blurryness- I couldn’t very well show you Icon’s Spring 2013 line this early, now could I?!) What is the difference between this bike and other electric rides of a similar form? Well, this one is a six speed… and it can do over 100 MPH. The Brammo Empulse electric motorcycle has a six speed gearbox with multi-plate hydraulic clutch. It weighs 470 pounds (213kg) with a 31.5”… Continue Reading »
Zero Motorcycles (cool electric motorcycle company) came through MotoCorsa (the awesome Ducati dealership I work at) today to show off their stuff. I got to test ride the Zero S, one of the more powerful models… it was fun, zippy, and wasn’t rickety at 70mph as you’d expect from something so light and quiet. Whirrrrrrrzzzzt! That’s the sound Kevin is making in the background through that squished up bratty mouth of his… (Photobomb! haha..)