Just posted a video of my friend Rob and I riding in Oregon through the Columbia Gorge on Highway 30 and beautiful back roads for 40 minutes. He’s on his custom 1979 CB750k Gulf Oil themed cafe racer, and I’m on the bizarrely awesome 1992 TDM 850. Watch the “Columbia Gorge Motorcycle Goodness” video on the MotoLady Official youtube channel. Ah, nostalgia.
Posts Tagged ‘gpoy’
From Stranger to Best Friend
I got this tattoo as a souvenir from my trip… the bolt is to symbolize the bike built by Jeff Yarrington of Saint Motor Company called “Tesla”. Since Nicola Tesla was the father of electricity, I felt this was a perfect homage. Big thanks to Bill Stevenson at Have Fun Be Lucky tattoo for squeezing me in at the end of his busy day!