Ineke Hekman’s Honda CB400 custom is called the ‘Blue Note Jazz’ and hails from the Netherlands. The best part, she built it herself.
Some shots of Jeff Wolf (of Wolf Designs) working on his XS650 chopper at the shop in Ventura, CA. The amount of effort put into all the little details like frame gussets makes this a very unique bike… can’t wait to see it done! Photographs by Alicia Mariah Elfving, copyright themotolady.com 2014. [ more chopper photos | welding ]
The other day I posted Angie Cooper and her Triumph T120 chopper barn find… I wanted to share this 1978 Triumph 750 Bonneville 750CC T120 that will be on display at the One Motorcycle Show this weekend here in Portland. Hard to pin a year and model on this bike, but the motor is a 1978 750cc T120 Bonneville, everything else is from random years or fabricated. Get more info about the One Motorcycle Show, or go check out the Chrome Industries + MotoLady One Show hosted ride on Friday!
Yet another teaser photo of Mitch Sander‘s beeeautiful 1966 Triumph Bonneville custom. He built this thing from the engine out himself…. it still amazes me. Now that is Garage Built. I’ll later be doing an article on his bike… pointing out small details like the speedo placed next to the seat. Photograph by yours truly.
Behold the 1966 Triumph Bonneville custom hard-tail bobber owned and built by Mitch Sander. I got to meet this really cool cat over the weekend who found this Bonny engine and then built around it. He did it all himself, including dreaming up a GSXR front end swap. More photos and backstory soon to come. Photograph by yours truly.