Anya Violet appears in, “Escape to Hazzard County!”
Caroline Patterson sporting a motolady gasmask bandana on her 2001 Harley Davidson 883 Sportster. She came down from San Diego yesterday to spend the evening with me, she and I met through mutual friends and instagram. She’s an amazing lady, works as a costume and wardrobe stylist living in Los Angeles. Follow Caroline on instagram @blondezillagirl. [ gas mask bandanas now in stock again! | more of Caroline ]
A place where traffic moves aside to let you pass, the vibrant colors of fall leaves fill your field of vision, roads are open and inviting… my Northern adventure was full of good times. The best parts? Doing it all on the BMW f650GS, and being in great company. Morning arrived and I pulled myself out of the comfy hotel bed- 9am local time for Toronto, and a painful 6am home time.It didn’t matter- I was chomping at the bit to rail the 2012 BMW f650GS on the Ontario, Canada roads I’d… Continue Reading »
Super short iphone capture of the footage Adam Wood’s camera yesterday- he was shooting video some of today for this trip. He and Mike Jacobs (of Ontario Moto Roads) discuss in the backgroundhow great his video is (well, that’s what they say more or less.) PS. Probably don’t have the volume up on your device when you watch this. The first half of our adventure today was pretty wet, though we only got actively rained on for maybe 30 minutes which isn’t too bad. Two BMWs out front, followed by two Harleys. … Continue Reading »
Chances of backflipping a Harley Davidson motorcycle of stock variety (and landing it for that matter) is a tall order. Back in 2008, Chuck Carothers went for it with his 1200cc Harley Davidson Sportster at the FMX Gladiator Games. Does he land it? Watch and see for yourself. [ Source: America Loves Horsepower ]
Went to check out a bike my friend was buying today and met Cam, ex Chief New York Firefighter of ten years. His Firefighter Harley was pretty cool, plus it had 50,000+ miles on it and it’s only a 2003. “Oh yeah, it’s ridden- not just pretty to look at!” Chyeah, I high-fived him. He pointed out the details on the tank panel (Is that what it’s called? I actually don’t know the anatomy of a Harley) which included pieces from 9/11 Ground Zero- a bolt and a metal piece of one… Continue Reading »