A crew of motorcycle lovin’ ladies and their friends from Denver decided to hit the track on their vintage motorcycles once the winter weather finally broke.
Myco Tsutsui from EvoSpo with her pink and purple 1980 Harley Shovelhead. Myco is Itsuki’s wife, founder of the Suck My Shovel EvoSpo blog. Can’t help but love their interesting bikes, some are pretty wild. She’s got a purple jewel style suicide shifter that sits behind her leg… nuts! [ more motorcycle smiles | more tagged Japan ]
Lanakila MacNaughton works fast! Girl already got me some preview photos from our shoot near Temecula on the 21st… oh how I love her! Check out these rad shots for the Women’s Moto Exhibit on the 1970 Triumph from Trophy Motorcycles. I’m sporting my oh-so-loved Icon 1000 Elsinore boots, Akorp and Federal jackets, and new UglyBROS riding jeans. Happy dang New Year! [ links: Women’s Moto Exhibit website | Trophy Motorcycles website ]
This is the face of me winning the kickstarting challenge. ‘HA’ TO YOU CB550, I’ll show you! IN YO FACE. Watch the instavideo »Watch the untrimmed video on Youtube » Back story: Wolf was over, ‘bout to take off on the Bridge City Cycles Honda CB550. It was being a major bitch, as per the usual. I enjoy a challenge and a good right leg work out so I asked if I could try. Then, muahahaha IT’S ALIIIIIVE! Team work is always better.