Posts Tagged ‘moto’

Photos from the ride yesterday to Sauvie Island and Skyline, 13 bikes… mostly vintage. If my favorite meal were smoke, today would have been perfect… I was eating it behind Alex’s bike up front. As he said, “Hope you guys liked the smell of that bel ray two stroke oil today, my wee 350 used all it’s ponies setting pace!” I was always hesitant to go on group rides with more than 4 or 5 people because I thought logistics of riding with so many people would be difficult. But it’s amazing… Continue Reading »

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Monster Project Tail Chop

Another Monster Project update. So soon? YES! Tail chop… about 6 inches off the back end. At this point, all there is left on the frame is the steering stop up front… then I can move on to painting and reassembly.

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Portland: Bridge City Cycles

I know I’ve mentioned Bridge City Cycles before, like in my MotoLady sticker post for example. Now I want to give you a glimpse at their very cool shop! I really dig the place. The entrance is always equipped for running your motorcycle in, door open. It’s very inviting for the vintage-or-slightly-older-bike crowd. 😉 Anthony has a very cool old school truck adorned with BCC decals.  More representation, another vehicle.  Inside the old Portland building, you find motorcycles around ever corner as you make your way up the stairs to their shop…. Continue Reading »

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Wakin’ up in the mornin’… in the best place ever. Next to your bike. Moto camping. Photo by Scott Pommier.

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Monster Project Frame Engine Mount Fix

Monster project progress! YES! Heath Knapp (friend and absolutely amazing welder) just texted me photos of the frame fix. As you may remember from Phase 2 (photos of previous damage within) this area was mushed by roque frame slider. Next in line is the 6 inch chop off the end… and WHAM. Powder coat time.

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Two up at the Iron Horse Saloon Daytona | Photography by Garry Stuart

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Moto fashion. Styling by Katherine Erwin.

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Sport Bikes Are Amazing

Reader question: “I’m through and through a chopper/cafe kind of guy, but isn’t riding a sportbike like opening your eyes for the first time?” Short answer: Sport bikes are amazing.

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Motorcycle girl, I love you. You don’t even know my name.  Motorcycle Girl by Cruzados (Source:

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Bad ass grab-itude.

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