Attempting to mount my tires on the Monster Project wheels today, and the Pirelli Sport Demon tire exploded.
MotoLady does Movember for team Mo’Corsa! Mo’ mustaches, mo’ awareness for men’s health. Every guy at MotoCorsa (my work) has donated their upper lip for the month of November to grow a ‘stache. You can join the Mo’Corsa team to get 10% off anything in the store, and you can donate to get entered into a raffle for sweet prizes. Anything helps… get yo mo’ on! Read mo’ on the MotoCorsa website » As a lady, you can participate by becoming a Mo Sista and showing your support for the Mo Bros. If… Continue Reading »
Ladies- there is literally one hour left to pre-order/pledge for this tshirt at the $15 price. After that it’s $20. Intro price is over, but you can still help get them printed! Shipping included for a total of $20! It’s my design, and it won’t get printed unless we pre-sell 75 of ‘em. So go over to the MotoCorsa FB shop and snag one!
Since I don’t know the answer to this I would a) call a Ducati dealership (MotoCorsa– the one I work at is awesome…. 503.292.7488) or b) Have someone fabricate one for you. Hope that helps… sorry I don’t know more. Oh and thanks for the compliment! 🙂 Okay POST SCRIPT: Hey douchebag who wrote me an anonymous msg- “Fabricate a hub? lol yeah right.” I’m fuckin’ tired and I read it wrong so give me a break.