Start those youngin’s early! Can’t tell you enough how much I wish I had’ve been raised on and around motorcycles.
Awesome future motolady / motokid submission- This is a picture of my Niece (Sidney) and Nephew (Jack) sitting on my slightly broken 1198. I somehow kicked the mirror off when I laid it down after a lady pulled out in front of my, in the picture you can kind of see the road rash down my left arm. This was taken the same day that I bought Sidney her first motorcycle……she is 5 years old! I explained to her the importance of wearing here gear (more or less just had to show… Continue Reading »
Here is a picture of my daughter when she was about 3 yrs old helping out in the garage. She is now 6 yrs old and rides with me on my 1968 R50US BMW. I wrote a little blog post wondering how we might influence our children as a rider and owner of vintage motorcycles. I am happy that my oldest wants to ride, and my younger daughter at 4 yrs old is looking forward when she can reach the passenger pegs. Aww, a little MotoLady in the making! (Submission from Brian B.)