Many tracks didn’t allow women to race in the 1950s, which makes these five women icons and pioneers in motorcycle racing.
We boot-scooted, we boogied, we hosted a worldwide reveal, we tore it up on e-bikes, we had makers workshops, we gave away a bunch of amazing gear and gizmos… you know… normal Women’s Moto Show goodness! Three whole days of awesome entertainment surrounded by a bunch of the coolest motorcycling women I know.
I’m so excited to announce the project that I’ve been working on for two years… a book all about badass motorcycling women! In the MotoLady’s Book of Women Who Ride you’ll meet 74 of the most influencial motorcyclists of the last century. Motorcycle heroes, trailblazers, and record-breakers like Jessi Combs, Shayna Texter, Laia Sanz, Gloria Tramontin-Struck, the Van Buren sisters, and more can be found inside the 184 pages of this hard cover book celebrating motorcycling women!
This woman, Sash Walker (link) of ‘Road Pickle Motorcycle Bohemia’, is fearless. Through snow, ice, and dropping her bike… all to get from San Diego, California to Denver, Colorado for the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit. Damn straight she made it… determination is key! “Even though my VStar 650 was lying on its side in the snow and ice of Wolf Creek Pass in Southern Colorado, I never once thought about turning around and going home.” [ more motorcycles in hardcore weather | source & story ]