A goodbye to my friend Jessi Combs— educator, welder and fabricator, land speed record holder, motorcycle builder, TV show host, off-road racer, Queen of the Hammers, beautiful, bad ass, intelligent woman.
RIP Kurt Caselli (1983-2013)- word’s travelled that he passed away from head trauma at the Baja 1000. One of my favorite races and mediums, I wanted to pay respect to this inspirational rider for KTM. My heart goes out to his family, this stuff is always a surprise and never easy. At least we all know he lived doing what he loved.
Owner of Century Motorcycles, Cindy Rutherford, amazing motolady and vibrant spirit passed away today. It’s hitting the motorcycle industry hard as we all tear up remembering her amazing qualities. We need more women like Cindy in the world. Rest in peace, you bad mamma jamma. <3 And yeah, fuck cancer.
RIP Andy Griffith, who died today at age 86. Sheriff of a picture perfect town to rotten no good biker in “A Hippie with Money”. What a cool guy and versatile actor. I used to watch the Andy Griffith show with my dad all the time. I’ve never been able to resist whistling the tune when the show is mentioned…
In memory of Kimberly Lynn Layfield who was one of the victims of the shooting at Cafe Racer Cafe in Seattle, Washington last week. A bad ass chick, a nice person, and a lady of the moto variety. Read D.A. Sebasstian’s blog post about the news and his experiences working with her on his movie Hot Rod Girls Save the World.
Jackie “FastCat”, moto lady from Washington passed away. I’d like to take a moment to wish my best to her family and friends. It is always terrible to hear of someone passing, let alone an amazing motorcyclist. I didn’t know Jackie, but the tributes to her wonder are abounding. Jackie was a mechanic, racer, rider, and great friend. RIP Jackie.
I didn’t miss the insanely heart-wrenching news about Marco Simoncelli passing away Sunday, in fact I received the news when I arrived on set for the Icon shoot that morning. What a way to start the day, eh? I made this design for a MotoCorsa email blast and have decided I indeed want to post it here. “You live more for five minutes going fast on a bike like that than other people do in all of their life” – Marco Simoncelli Ciao, Marco. You, your hair, your sass, and your aggressive riding… Continue Reading »
I didn’t miss the insanely heart-wrenching news about Marco Simoncelli passing away Sunday, in fact I received the news when I arrived on set for the Icon shoot that morning. What a way to start the day, eh? I made this design for a MotoCorsa email blast and have decided I indeed want to post it here. “You live more for five minutes going fast on a bike like that than other people do in all of their life” – Marco Simoncelli Ciao, Marco. You, your hair, your sass, and your aggressive riding… Continue Reading »