The infamous and legendary Alley Sweeper urban enduro ride in Portland was cancelled… but has a chance to make a come back. Tomorrow, April 18, it’s on.
Posts Tagged ‘sfrc’
A lovely example of many beautiful things about the Pacific Northwest- wr250 in it’s natural habitat during the first annual SFRC Back Forty Enduro (more info). The Sang Froid Riding Club, creators of the controversial (and might I add, awesome) “Alley Sweeper Urban Enduro” (which is an annual fun filled mud flinging event each spring in Portland) pretty consistently have cool events to keep people busy despite the dreary PNW weather that hits each winter. Why did they plan the Back Forty Enduro? “Because riding around the woods with your buddies is… Continue Reading »
SFRC Alley Sweeper 2013: “GET OFF MY LAWN!”
Alright, it may be slightly delayed… but I finished my video from the 2013 Sang-Froid Riding Club Alley Sweeper Urban Enduro. After the event I did a mini status update with photos of the damage to the bike and myself after wrecking it twice. Now it’s time to answer the question posed to me via instagram, facebook, AND twitter: “Can you explain to me how that’s fun?” Sure… riding through mud, potholes, gravel, grass, and whatever else you happen upon is not for the faint of heart. It’s for the motorcyclists who… Continue Reading »