Stormie Ray pullin’ her dirtbike out of the muddy trenches at Woodland Bottoms in Washinton. Ruts can be deceiving in the rainy climate of the Pacific Northwest– you’re all “I got this” then it’s more like “holy crap where’d my wheel go?”
Lanakila MacNaughton’s beautiful medium format photographs of Stormie’s Wrench Night last wednesday. The topmost photo is definitely my favorite from the night, Stormie, Jada and I all kicking it being the überdorks we are. See/read more: More of Lanakila MacNaughton’s photographsMore tagged Jada Noriyuki / Stormie RayWriteup on Stormie’s Wrench Wednesdays
I posted a little intro to Stormie’s Wednesday wrench night a couple days ago, and wanted to follow up with a few pics. The motocycle version of Charlie’s Angels (above), photographed by Lanakila MacNaughton,. Left to right we have myself, Jada Noriyuki, and Stormie Ray. Stormie provided a HUGE amount of meat, Jeff Wolf manned the BBQ, and attendees were instructed to bring something NOT MEAT and that didn’t need to be cooked. Loads of bikes and a spattering of other cool cars, there is one thing all attendees have in common: they’re great… Continue Reading »
Building a bad ass motorcycle community in your region is not impossible! I get lots of messages from people saying they envy living on the West Coast, in Portland, etc because we have such an awesome group of motorcyclists and throw cool events, rides and such. Well, take it from Stormie Ray, you don’t need a huge shop or an epic ride planned. Stormie throws “Wrench Wednesdays” at her place where everyone can show up and work on their projects and put their heads together with other enthusiasts. Try throwing your own… Continue Reading »