Australia native Keri Tsigolis, aka Kerri Kikki, is 36 years old and has been riding for about four years. Recently she’s begun the process of learning to stunt.
Robyn Diamond pulls off a spreader with a sassy smile. Being only a little familiar with stunt riding terms, I thought this was a highchair wheelie. However, Tice from XDL learned me right, “If your legs are behind your hands and you’re spreading your legs it’s a spreader. If your legs are between your hands over the front of the triples it’s a highchair.” see more stunting shots | Robyn Diamond
Capes caught in wheels, baby burnouts, moped stunting, and explosions. This video has it all… and more. Tigerman 2 features a stunter named, you guessed it, Tigerman… and his trusty moped that takes quite a beating. The whole video is almost one big blooper reel, and it’s perfect that way. Our moped hero’s cape breaks loose more than once, getting caught in his wheel and sprocket. I laughed so hard I cried! Take a look. more videos | stuff to make you LOL | source ▲