We’re not in SoCal anymore.
It took me a while to sit down and watch this trailer, despite multiple people sending it to me. Why? I’m not sure. Perhaps because I felt capturing “why we ride” in a trailer is impossible, and in a full length film difficult yet. But also because I felt that I needed to devote a minute of my undivided attention to the footage, and forcing myself to do that is sometimes difficult these days. I finally pressed play and have to admit- I got goosebumps, there may have been some tears. They… Continue Reading »
Check out the trailer for 100min long movie ‘Girl Meets Bike’ coming soon! A high school shop teacher buys her first motorcycle with her wedding dress money, leading her away from her controlling fiancé into a new circle of motorcycle friends who are attracted but threatened by her new found freedom. As she learns to ride, she must interpret their offers of riding advice: are they subtle forms of control? Or crucial knowledge, without which she might get herself killed? The quote “Now you’re on your own just like you wanted. No… Continue Reading »
In the fall of 2010, two best friends quit their jobs and bought vintage motorcycles to embark on a 13,000 mile tour of America. Bringing nothing but questionable riding experience, little money, impractical food choices, a vague speedometer, gas gauges that are neither here nor there, misguided priorities, and a blurred sense of reality. > “How’s your bike’s off road capability?” < “POOR. Now help me pick this shit up.” This show is freaking hilarious. Y’all best check it out. (Season 1 Video Playlist on Dailymotion) (Source: http://www.dailymotion.com/)