Semi NSFW- this is a hilarious ad. My favorite part (above) a naked chick waves to an old guy and he is flabbergasted in more than one way. A female… on a bike… IN THE NUDE?! Priceless. Watch the Nudey Motorcyclist Safety Advertisement video on the youtubes »
Posts Tagged ‘video’
My friends over at Icon Motosports keep blowing my mind with their marketing and bad ass hooliganism. They killed it (yet again) with this f*cking epic moto vs car drift battle video. The first motorcycle vs car drift battle was pretty bad ass, but this… this just takes the cake. When I did the Icon shoot (photos coming soon), I drove out into the Colombia Gorge and met up with Nick ‘Apex’ Brocha and Ernie Vigil who had just shot this video the few days before. Needless to say they were exhausted,… Continue Reading »
This video actually warmed my heart. Sure, it’s a prank… but it ends with warm fuzzies. Another reminder not to judge people merely by what you can see. So what would you do if you walked into a Theatre filled will stereotypical biker badasses? (submission from Chuck Ledtje) (Source: