Riders Aaron Twite and Tony Carbajal get slideways in the rain at the IMS Long Beach XDL show in 2013. By jove, I say, absolutely impressive!
This woman, Sash Walker (link) of ‘Road Pickle Motorcycle Bohemia’, is fearless. Through snow, ice, and dropping her bike… all to get from San Diego, California to Denver, Colorado for the Steel Horse Sisterhood Summit. Damn straight she made it… determination is key! “Even though my VStar 650 was lying on its side in the snow and ice of Wolf Creek Pass in Southern Colorado, I never once thought about turning around and going home.” [ more motorcycles in hardcore weather | source & story ]
There were a lot of dynamic parts of the One Motorcycle Show no. 5 that I didn’t feel satisfied capturing in one frame. So this time I did something a little different and made a short video featuring highlights that really give the One show it’s uniqueness. Pandora makes a cameo (of course) and I just have to say that I’m still totally humbled by having the Monster included with so many talented and wonderful builders. Thank you Thor and everyone for including me. Watch it through youtube: Or if you prefer… Continue Reading »
The show today was busy as ever despite crazy snow. A few dirtbikes outside in the cold. John Ryland of Classified Moto touched Pandora despite it’s lil sign! Oh snap. A chopper rode in with zip ties, my mom visited the show and her comment was, “wow that’s smart!” Sweet vans and brave folks drove in from all over, it was a pretty amazing day.