Masyn Moyer gettin’ her weld on, looking sassy. Proving yet again that safety can be sexy. [ more welding photos | source ]
Some shots of Jeff Wolf (of Wolf Designs) working on his XS650 chopper at the shop in Ventura, CA. The amount of effort put into all the little details like frame gussets makes this a very unique bike… can’t wait to see it done! Photographs by Alicia Mariah Elfving, copyright themotolady.com 2014. [ more chopper photos | welding ]
Since I’m finally at the point where I can cut, weld, and grind metal… when I was inspired to make a coat hook this weekend, I did so. I can’t even describe how excited I am to finally be able to do some of the weird decor and art projects I’ve had on my mind for years. My welding isn’t perfect, but it’s getting better with every go. Anywho, on Saturday I made a coat/helmet/whatever-you-want-it-to-be-for hook out of an old foot peg… it even flips up. Here’s the [rather short] process. Starting with an… Continue Reading »
Bikes hanging from the ceiling! This is the best quote of the whole thing, “It’s purely a compulsion. I couldn’t and wouldn’t do anything else, and I’ve tried.” Vintage bikes have much more style and pinash and it’s more of an accomplishment. And it’s the cool factor- it’s the James Dean, the Marlon Brando in the Wild one, ya know… it’s Phonzie for christssakes. Portrait Of A Vintage Motorcycle Mechanic (Source: http://motormavens.tumblr.com/)