Ever look back at photos from trips and realize that you don’t have any with your motorcycle? Photos with people included are way more memorable, even though we love looking at our sexy machines. Amanda Zito and I made a little how-to video with tips and tricks for snapping photos of you on your bike!
When I saw Quentin Wilson post a photo of the project he was working on I almost choked on my coffee- a Ducati 1199 Panigale set up for adventure riding. Q is just crazy enough to do this kind of thing, get muddy, have fun, and smile for days after… so I was more than excited to see the outcome.
Well, a couple weeks later here’s a great shot from Arun Sharma of the knobby-sporting TerraCorsa all muddy and used. See more photos on MotoCorsa.com of this genius madness.
Posted on October 2, 2013 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving