MotoLadies unite! Hannah Johnson, me, and Janell Mattson outside MotoCorsa. We’re holding the book “Chicks on Bikes” by Christina Shook.
Stopped by Tri-County Motorcycle Salvage in Ventura, CA yesterday just in time before they closed before the weekend at 5p. Tons of shocks, cables, bars, dirtbike bodywork, wheels, carbs, branded wrenches (probably from road side tool kits), luggage racks… and not one metal fender for the Harley DualSporty project (which is the whole reason I went).
I did pick up a ton of wrenches though (more on my plans for those later) and Wolf found an awesome clutch-and-brake double lever. Never seen one of these in person except the types that stunt riders have on their motorcycles.
Posted on April 19, 2014 in Blog by Alicia Mariah Elfving