Hello from Honda HQ in Torrance, CA! The Rebel gets it’s 500 mile service, and I get a tour.
Trophy Motorcycles, a shop specializing in keeping the spirit of vintage motorcycling alive in San Diego, CA often has bike nights on Saturday in the afternoon/evening. Luckily for me this weekend was one of those times. After flying in to San Diego at the crack of dawn and bustling about all day, one of the owners of Cerberus took me over to Trophy.
There was a great lineup- a variety similar to that I see at the events in my home town! Impressive. Quite a few lovely ladies showed up, too.
Nina and Jessica stand with their motorbikes, perfectly coordinated of course… but not in too obvious a way.
It was mighty warm in San Diego over the weekend, fans and beer were used for cooling. This little Chihuahua feller below really appreciated it.
Many of the bikes in front of the shop are owned by Isaac Heinrich, one of the owners. Seems to me he has rather good taste… a Norton, some Ducatis… a Triumph. All customized just enough.
Below is Haley MacKenzie, the motolady who won the t-shirt caption contest from Seven Days of Giveaways. Small world, eh?
Tim Stafford, San Diego BMW restoration specialist, rode in his pristine… a treat to say the least.
Another wonderful vintage BMW motorcycle. This time with the helmet perfectly positioned to give the bike a some… humanity.
And some rides with a little more customization from the rider…
I really am a big fan of somewhat ratty bobbers. They look comfortable, retro, ridden and self built. Many things I love.
Something for everyone, that’s for sure.
Cheese burgers, brats, beer, and bikes… what more could a girl ask for? Tim Johnston and Isaac sure did a great job with this place… they even have a vintage clothing shop attached to their space. Squeal. Thanks for the hospitality, guys!
Photographs by Alicia Mariah Elfving, copyright themotolady.com 2013.
[ Links: Trophy Motorcycles website | more tagged events ]
Posted on September 20, 2013 in Motorcycles by Alicia Mariah Elfving