Jessica at Born Free on her Virago

This is my babely lady friend Jessica McLean riding out of Born Free 6 on her Virago 250 at Oak Canyon Park in Silverado, CA. I’m really happy to have been able to see her this weekend, albeit briefly, and want to wish her a biggol’ HAPPY BIRTHDAY on this here interwebs.

She was a pillar of kick ass friendship while I was living in San Diego, and without her I probably would have been sad and lonely a lot of the time I lived there. Y’all probably don’t know, but I’m sort of a hermit. Jess’ infectious happiness and lust for fun can’t be contained in her own body and therefore if you’re lucky enough to be around her, you can’t help but feel stoked on life.

Love you lady.

Photograph by Alicia Mariah Elfving, copyright 2014.

Posted on July 2, 2014 in Blog, MotoLadies by

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