Choosing your first motorcycle? Here’s some tips from Stacie B London, LeahStunts, and MotoLady.
Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category
Monster Project Wheel Wisdom
RC51 On The Salt Flats
The Monster Tank Has Arrived!
MotoLady & the RC51 at Bonneville
I Dropped My Bike Today
I feel like that title could be the first lyrics to a bluesy motorcycle song. Oh I dropped my bike today, heard it hit the ground and it’s just not okayyyyyy…. Yes, ladies and gentlemen… I dropped my motorcycle. Now, it’s not the first time to be honest. As a fresh new rider in the first month I got the Yamaha Maxim I dropped it in my driveway. It was embarrassing and daunting, but being so new I learned to let it go. Today however… This morning on the way to work… Continue Reading »