Bessie Stringfield fought for civil rights and equality by doing what she loved despite the struggles and danger that came with riding motorcycles.
MotoCorsa (where I work) threw an awesome party for Ducati Fashion Night. Miss Hannah Johnson and I danced ourselves silly. It was an awesome time. And now… a photo flurry!
Hannah is the worlds only female Ducati Master Tech, and she is my favorite motolady of all time!
AJ Ralston is our other master tech- an incredibly talented artist as well. Here you see him doing “Ducati Red Steel” model face while Hannah and I try to dazzle him with our synchronized dancing.
He is a very difficult nut to crack. In this shot he’s wearing the 60’s Ducati logo shirt that is an exclusive MotoCorsa tee.
Genie is our barista, and also a bad ass motolady. She rocked the runway.
In lieu of models, we strutted our stuff in the new 2012 Ducati apparel line. Here I am being a dork on our make-shift lift run way.
Most of us walked multiple times.
Here I can be seen embarassing myself again. However, peep my awesome vintage Duc shirt.
Here is Hannah, looking cute as can be on the runway in an awesome Ducati jacket.
The last time I walked.
The MotoCorsa Stig, holdin’ down the platform.
I tried to distract him. It didn’t really work.
Hannah hopped up onto the platform, clearly stoked about it.
I tried to summon Kylie, the lovely photographer… she finally gave in.
Hannah attacked Arun Sharma, he didn’t seem to enjoy it too much.
Us three were pretty much the only ones dancing, which was totally fine with us. I think this after about 2 hours of booty shaking goodness. We were tired.
Right before I left Kylie Lewallen (the wonderful lady who took all the photos in this post) and I took a photo together. Not only is she stunningly beautiful, but awesomely talented! Thanks Kylie. And thanks to everyone for coming to the event! It was super fun. If you’d like to check out all the photos from the event, hop on over to the MotoCorsa Ducati Fashion Night facebook album.
Posted on November 22, 2011 in Events, MotoLadies by Alicia Mariah Elfving