Stories of Stories of Bike. The entire saga of FASTER, the MotoLady + Monster story, season 3 premiere of Stories of Bike from Cam Elkins.
Have you ever wanted to ride on dirt but weren’t sure where to start? Look at a mountain while you’re out on a ride and and think, “I want to climb that”? If so, you might want to try adventure riding. The RawHyde ADV Moto school is the perfect way to dip your toes in the water, or get more acquainted with the sport.
You may, like I did, feel a sense of anxiety when thinking about riding off onto scarcely traveled fire roads and trails all by yourself. What’s more, is you probably don’t yet have the proper skills to do so.
Even an experienced street rider needs a run down on maneuvering off road. Tips like positioning your weight back or forward during stops and acceleration can save you from a few wipe-outs. Brad Barker put together a great video of his experience in the RawHyde AADV Motorcycle training school, followed by Expedition CV. It’s the second episode of his series, “The Ride of my Life”.
It started with skill building at the RawHyde Colorado training camp, moved on to intermediate training, riding to Base Camp Alpha… then onto a deep adventure ride through Death Valley with some of the most amazing views you’ll ever witness.
“Now not knowing for sure what’s on the other side of the horizon, that might be a scary thought for some people. But the willingness to embrace the unknown is exactly the essense of what makes a true adventure.”
“If you make a plan and then follow it, that’s called a vacation. When that plan goes to shit or flies out the window, that’s when the adventure begins.”
Settle down and get comfortable, the video is a truly captivating 43 minutes long. Even if you’re not signing up for the training camp, it’s sooo worth the watch.
Visit the Ride of my Life website for more awesome adventure goodness.
Tags: 1200gs, adv, adv moto, adventure, blog, bmw, brad barker, colorado, death valley, feature, motorcycle, motorcycles, off road, offroad, on the road, raw hyde, rawhyde, rider skills, skill building, the ride of my life, training
Posted on June 6, 2014 in News & Features by Alicia Mariah Elfving
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